001 – Introduction

The writings on this site are like the beggining of the solution of a jigsaw puzzle. There may be areas where the picture begins to emerge, a branch of the tree or some roots, but it is unlikely that you will perceive the whole tree. The picture is not ready to display, but you are welcome to browse through and see if you can discern any patterns.

Unlike a jigsaw there is no colourful image on the box lid to guide me, and so how the constituent pieces will eventually combine is still unknown. This site is the big scrubbed table where I am laying out the pieces.

Nevertheless for those that wish to poke around here, there are some clues. The numberings suggest how sections may combine, so that an important branch on the presence of llamas, or camelids, on the stones and in the history of the people’s here, is almost complete (08 – 09 – 10 – 11).

As is  Tumis and Tupus (14 – 15 – 16 – 17 – 18)

I describe the different peoples and settlements in Lima, from Maranga (42 – a Trip to the Zoo),  moving across the city to one of the largest temple mounds in the tourist district (43 –  From the Zoo to Miraflores) and then out to Pachacamac (44 – Earth Mover, Earth Shaker) and south of Lima, the lower Lurin Valley (65 – Cardal and Pan)

The central coast history and rock art are described around Cañete (20 The Sword and the Cross – 21 The Hill of Gold – 22 The evolution of Whales)

And the rocks of Huancor (2627)

There is a first introduction to the remarkable sixteenth century origin stories of The Huarochiri Manuscript (28)

Followed by the story of Calango (53545556)

The attempts to understand the different layers of images on the stones, and work towards interpreting and dating them, is ongoing, and some of the ideas so far are here

4 256 Shades of Grey10 Rock Art in Peru – 12 Why are Images Brighter and Darker –  19 – JPEGs 29-Rock Varnish on the Orinoco



And some bits and pieces about other aspects of Peru which are relevant but not fully tied in to the narrative (35 Keeping it in the Family36 Chasing Mobile Phones in Huacho38 Negotiating with the Gods – 97 Water Management, Floods and Huaycos  98 Watering the Desert for a Thousand Years)


To experience what the stones actually show, and their presence in the landscape, here might be a good place to start

1 a Exploration 

1a /The stones and their images

Photograph of the river bank and the stones

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