25 Mexico Huichol

There are two Aztec codices in existence from before the conquest.


There are two Maya codices from before the conquest Bishop Landa burnt every piece of Maya writing he could lay his hands on.

I visit the museo anthropologia for the fourth time and tame phone tatolladero s. text ext in the upper galleries to undestand the modern cultures and their movements and distribution, and particularly look at the Gran Najar and Huachil exhibitits, seeing if their scosmovision could give insight into the use of the rocks, and find some interesting imagery parallels – peyote buds, combination of 4-5 elements t tell a story, and scorpion.

star scheme of the Huachil – ritual journey, visions,


One of these is the Huachil from gran namor, an artist interpreting his vidion of the world, inspired by psychotropic peyote visions, in acrylics and other modern media- with interpretations.

This, although it is presumably a modern interpretation or re-creation of ancient mesoamerican, Central American, cosmovision, it might neverteless give us some foothold on interpreting the Piedras.

The huachol appear to have retained their pre-Columbian religious beliefs and rituals, to an extent that is almost unique in Latin America outside the Amazon..?

Central to their belief is the use of peyote as a psychotropic drug, as well as a medicine and tonic. The peyote is depicted in their art as are animals, deer, snakes, suns and moons? and flowing water.

The origini of the Huichol is unkown, though there are indications from their language and myths that they may descend from groups that were based on the Sierra for some time. They could be related to the Yuto-Azteca familio of peoples from the east of the Western Sierra Madre.  The pressure of the Toltec empire forced them to flee to the Sierra where they met with groups already established there. Some of their cultural traits such as the form of their temples and their religious use of the hallucinogen kieri comes from these later links.

Another possibility is that there were several indigenous groups based on the Sierra from long before the conquest, possibly with distinct cultures, and it is from these that  the present day Huichol are composed.

In any case the ancestral Huichol would appear to have developed largely separate from the great Middle American empires, the


Some 7000 Huichol live today in Northern Jalisco, a remote area of Western Mexico.  San Juan Peyotan, St John of the Peyote, is a nearby town. They say that they migrated there from deep in the mountains of central Mexico, a long time ago.


close to the present day town of Real de Catorze. This Spanish town “Royal Fourteen” is named for fourteen soldiers killed in the war of conquest. Originally it was called  “Real de Alamos de Purisima Conception de la Catorze”, “Royal Poplars of the most Immaculate Conception of the Fourteen”, which is a whole micro-compote of the fundamentalist religious, macho, hierarchical medieval monarchist Spanish invaders.

The Huichol call themselves Wixarika, and the former is a phonetically similar Nahuatl-Spanish derivation. Today they live in small family groups on farms where they keep cattle, chickens and pigs, make cheese, and and grow beans and maize. Parents and children live in their own houses grouped round a central patio, and the whole extended family shares a communal kitchen and ancestral shrine.

Hikuri, the hallucinogenic cactus 


after the 150 kilometres north of the capital city of the present day state of St Luis Potosi.





Every year they return. In a straight line, the mountains they head towards are nearly 400 kilometres west of their communities.



Parece ser que los ancestros de los huicholes mantuvieron una vida independiente, aunque sea parcialmente, de los grandes imperios mesoamericanos. Algunos mitos hablan de como los antepasados de los huicholes eran atacados en sus peregrinaciones a San Luis Potosí por águilas y jaguares, los cuales exigían de estos la entrega de peyote. El castigo para los opresores llego al fin y el lugar donde se encontraban asentados fue quemado. Las águilas y los jaguares del mito pueden ser sociedades guerreras (caballeros águilas y jaguares). Esta hipótesis se ve reforzada por el largo rodeo que dan los huicholes para no pasar junto a las ruinas de La Quemada, una fortificación que probablemente perteneció a algún imperio occidental o al tolteca .5 Otros mitos indican asimismo que los huicholes lograron mantenerse independientes, aunque no por eso dejaron de ser afectados por las luchas con los invasores.

El contacto con grupos nahuas ha quedado plasmado en la lengua. Es difícil saber, sin embargo, que prestamos tienen un origen prehispanico y cuales se deben al asentamiento de indígenas del centro del país en etapas posteriores a la conquista. Lo mismo sucede con la influencia nahuatl en los mitos y el ritual.

Algunos autores relacionaban a los huicholes con los guachichiles, entre otras razones por el parecido entre ambas denominaciones. Aunque esto no parece ser probable, puede ser que los huicholes tengan entre sus ascendentes a algunas tribus teochichimecas que vivían al oriente de la sierra. Los teochichimecas eran indios del norte considerados inferiores a los chichimecas por los aztecas. Un fragmento del Códice Florentino de Fray Bernardino de Sahagun describe a un grupo de estos llevando a cabo un ritual bastante semejante al que los huicholes realizan actualmente con el peyote. El conocimiento increíblemente detallado que tienen los huicholes acerca del trayecto hasta la tierra del peyote en el estado de San Luis Potosí, así como de la flora que crece en esos lugares, son también elementos que indican alguna relación con los desiertos del centro del país. Mientras para algunos investigadores este conocimiento marca una posible descendencia de los pueblos del desierto; para otros, se trata de una herencia del comercio con productos de la costa y el peyote que realizaban los ancestros de los huicholes en tiempos precolombinos.

…go forward to 26 – Huanchor and Chincha…

…go back to 24 – Where Men become Gods